Council, Board, and Committee Resources
Church Council meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Council meetings are open to members or friends of the congregation.
Check issuing schedule:
Checks are written on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, and mailed out that Friday.Check Request Form (PDF)
Moderator: Glenn Poser
Moderator-Elect: Maja Beckstrom
Clerk: Sara Quinn
Treasurer: John Blair
Council Members-at-Large: Ali Akbari & Mark Scott
* Indicates representative to the Church Council
Board of Christian Education
Phillip Snoxell, Sara Schwebs, Craig Freeman, Geena Mitchell* (Chair)
Board of Church Growth
Adam Rowe-Johnson (Chair), Lena Oyanagi*, Emma North, Steve Magistad
Board of Community Life
Jason Mitchell, Sue Grove, JoAnn Arny*, Marghe Tabar, Carole Smith
Board of Deacons
Wendy Berg (Chair), Penny Truax, Leslie Amundson, Mike Smith, Lorne Petkau*, Charlie Swanson
Board of Mission and Witness
Bob Kessler (Chair), Mike Cain*, Karen Moe-Cain, John Buschette, Kim Blair
Board of Stewardship
David Leitzke* & Diane Klinefelter
Board of Trustees
Phil Lee, Tim Wulling (Chair), Don Breneman, Cassie Iverson, Scott Radtke*
Personnel Committee
Beth Magistad, Betsy Radtke, Ellen Freeman
Leadership Committee
Mike Smith, Glenn Poser, Maja Beckstrom, Ali Akbari
Finance Committee
John Blair (Treasurer), Phil Lee, Howie Tobak, David Misemer
Representative to Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul
Pam Barnard
Delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Conference UCC
Glenn Poser & Maja Beckstrom
Youth Delegate to the Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Conference UCCLiam Magistad
The Board of Christian Education meets every 4 to 6 weeks, and often does not meet in June or July. The Board is comprised of up to 5 members, each of whom serves a 2-year term, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. All members of the Board must be active members of the congregation. In coordination with the Minister, the Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries (DCYFM), and the Adult Education Ministry Team, the Board plans, promotes and implements faith formation ministries and community-building events throughout the year for children, youth and adults. The Board recruits and equips volunteers to teach and lead various ministries, including Sunday morning education hour and OWL (Our Whole Lives). The Minister leads Confirmation Classes and reports to the Board about the cohort of confirmation students.
The Board of Church Growth meets 8 to 10 times per year. The Board is comprised of up to 5 members, each of whom serves a 2-year term, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. Church membership is not required to serve on the Board of Church Growth. In coordination with the Minister, the Board develops creative and fun ways to increase the visibility of the Church, decides on various strategies to market the Church to people who are seeking a church home, and actively supports the assimilation of prospective/new members into the life of the congregation.
The Board of Community Life seldom has meetings. Instead, their ministry is driven by the calendar of Church events at which hospitality is needed. The Board is comprised of up to 5 members, each of whom serves a 2-year term, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. Church membership is not required to serve on the Board of Community Life. The Board develops and facilitates ways to foster a sense of community within the Congregation, including fellowship time after worship, social occasions, Church meals, assisting with receptions after funerals, and other events. In conjunction with the Minister, members of the Board may be asked to call on persons whose attendance, enthusiasm, or participation appears to be waning, and also call on persons who otherwise have an identifiable need for personal support and care from the Church.
The Board of Deacons (also called “the Diaconate”) meets once a month. The Board is comprised of 6 members, each of whom serves a 2-year term, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. All members of the Board must be active members of the congregation. The Deacons’ primary responsibility is the worship life of the Church. They prepare the sanctuary for all worship services, schedule lectors, acolytes and other worship leaders, arrange for guest preachers and lead parts of the liturgy when the Pastor is absent, and assist in the preparation and celebration of the sacraments of baptism and communion. The Board oversees the music ministry of the Church, including its instruments and Music Library. The Board oversees Church membership and maintains membership rolls, three- and four-way covenants, and members-in-discernment with the Minnesota Conference UCC seeking ordination. The Board of Deacons is responsible for the “Diaconate Fund” which functions as the Minister’s discretionary fund for people in financial need.
The Board of Mission & Witness meets 6 to 8 times per year. The Board is comprised of up to 5 members, each of whom serves a 2-year term, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. Church membership is not required to serve on the Board of Mission & Witness. The Board raises awareness, educates and provides vehicles of advocacy for local, state, national, and international programs and ministries that are consistent with the Church’s mission. The Board plans, promotes and implements service and mission projects/experiences for the congregation to participate in. The Board advocates for financial support to the mission and outreach ministries of the wider United Church of Christ (Our Church’s Wider Mission - OCWM, One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors In Need, The Christmas Fund), as well as other offerings that are consistent with the Church’s mission.
The Board of Stewardship meets once or twice in the Fall. The Board is comprised of up to 3 members, each of whom serves a 2-year term, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. Church membership is not required to serve on the Board of Stewardship. The Board conducts an annual campaign for pledges of financial support as part of the Church’s budgeting process. It conducts capital campaigns for major Church needs as directed by the Council.
The Board of Trustees meets once a month. The Board is comprised of up to 5 members, each of whom serves a 2-year term, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. All members of the Board must be active members of the congregation. The Church’s Treasurer is an ex officio, non-voting member of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees are responsible for the Church’s building, property, furnishings, equipment and fixtures. They authorize the use of the building by other parties; evaluate the Church’s insurance coverage; maintain documents relating to the Church’s fixed assets, insurance and finances. The Trustees’ financial responsibilities include transacting the financial business of the Church that is not the direct responsibility of the Treasurer, the Council or another Board or Committee; monitoring all financial business of the Church in accordance with the approved annual Church budget; designating a member of the Board to serve on the Finance Committee; and exercising fiduciary prudence in the handling of real and personal property, special gifts and bequests to the Church.
The Leadership Committee meets as needed, October through January. Comprised of 3 to 5 members, always including the Past Moderator, Current Moderator, and Moderator-Elect, all members of the Committee must be active members of the congregation. The Leadership Committee determines openings on boards and committees for the coming year, and then invites people to serve in those open leadership positions, taking into account the time, talents and experience of individual members of the congregation. The Committee prepares the slate of nominees for election at the Annual Meeting.
The Personnel Committee meets on an as-needed basis. Comprised of three members, each of whom serves a 3-year term, all members of the Committee must be active members of the congregation. The Personnel Committee establishes position descriptions for all Church staff in consultation with the Council, Boards, Standing Committees, and Minister as appropriate. When there is an employment opening at the Church, in conjunction with the Minister and the appropriate Board, the Committee seeks candidates, interviews and selects final candidates, negotiates terms for employment, prepares employment agreements for, and recommends to the Council the hiring of Church staff. Members of the Personnel Committee conduct annual reviews of each paid staff person in conjunction with the Minister. The Personnel Committee hears discussion and seeks resolution for all personnel issues or disputes; the Committee also manages any disciplinary action or termination of Church staff. In connection with the Annual Budget process, the Committee proposes salaries and benefits for all Church staff.
The Finance Committee meets quarterly. Comprised of the Treasurer, a member of the Board of Trustees, and two Members-At-Large, Finance Committee members serve for 2 years, with the option of one subsequent 2-year term, for a maximum of four consecutive years. All members of the Committee must be active Members of the congregation. The Finance Committee is responsible to the Council. The Finance Committee advises the Church Treasurer on, and informs the Council of, financial concerns and investments. The Committee manages Endowment assets, audits use of the Endowment funds, recommends changes in policies related to the investments and use of Church financial resources, advises the Treasurer on accounting procedures and practices, and consents to major changes. The Committee oversees Church accounting, exercises fiduciary prudence in the accounting, handling, investment, and use of the Church’s funds.
Service Groups provide two key ministries: 1) hosting fellowship hour after worship and 2) handing out bulletins, greeting members and guests.
The Captains are responsible for making sure that these Sunday responsibilities are covered by people from their Service Group.
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Captain: Church Office
Don Breneman & Lynne Krehbiel-Breneman, Craig & Ellen Freeman, Deb Heuwinkel, Ruth Hoffman, Dusty & Elisha Jacobsen, Bob & Gwen Kessler, David Leitzke, Jenny & Adam Rowe-Johnson, Marty Schirber, Jim & Ellen Snoxell
Captain: Beth Magistad
Andy Banks, Pam Barnard, Maja Beckstrom, Wendy Berg, Becca Emmons, Steph Goese, Ann Frances Gregg, Ted Bowman, Beth & Steve Magistad, Lorne & Judi Petkau, Betsy & Scott Radtke, Sue Grove & Paul Scherrer, Annette Spencer, Caitlin & Sam Van Hefty
Captain: Charlotte Osborn
Al Baxter & Diane Klinefelter, Barb Billington & Mark Scott, Marilyn Benson & Tim Wulling, Mary Easter, Shirley & Ken Gowdy, Lynne Hessler, Jim & Carol Kachel-Slanga, Mary & Greg Myers, Charlotte Osborn & Mark Hughes, Sharon Gowdy Wagener, Victoria Wilgocki & Rick Prescott
Co-Captains: Carole & Mike Smith
Leslie Amundson, Jocelyn Bakkemo, Phil Bratnober, John Degan, Gail Engstrom & Michael Dai, Dawn Foster-Hartnett & Tom Hartnett, John Habermann, Mike & Karen Moe-Cain, Bethany & Collin Nielsen, Jill Oliveri & Ralph Pribble, Carole & Mike Smith, Marghe Tabar, Penny Truax
Captain: Shayne Miller
Jerry & Marilyn Brakke, Penny & Cecil Chally, Nancy & Tom Feinthel, Adam & Meghan Gordon, Katie Herman & Ruthann Ryberg, Henry Hormann, Allison & Chris Jacobsen, Janet Johnson, Shayne Miller & Phil Lee, Ellen Longfellow & Dan Buechler, Roz & Dave Ostendorf, Lois & Glenn Poser, Susan & Rudy Schnasse, Sara Schwebs
Captain: Church Office
Ali Akbari, JoAnn & Carl Arny, Kim & John Blair, John Buschette, Bruce & Norma Evans, Geena & Jason Mitchell, Emma North, Sara & Mike Quinn, Claire Li, Florence Sprague & David Misemer