"When we dwell on God's provision, God's promises, God's presence, authentic joy is the natural overflow…"

~Kim Meeder

Sunday Worship

9:15 am — Adult Forum (Sep-May)
9:15 am — Sunday School (Sep-May)

10:30 am — In person and via Zoom


sunday mornings

  • Worship

    We worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

    On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

    We welcome kids in worship! 2nd graders through adults stay in worship for the whole service. K-1st graders and younger take part in worship through the “Time with Children,” after which they can opt to go downstairs with the child care providers. (Learn more.)

    Nursery Care is available for the youngest year round. (Learn more.)

  • Christian Education, Faith Formation

    We value life-long Christian Education and Faith Formation. It is a priority here at St. Anthony Park UCC, and it comes in many forms.

    Faith formation takes place weekly on Sunday mornings, September through May:

    9:15-10:15 AM Adult Faith Forum (learn more, below)

    9:15-10:15 AM Gathering Time for children, youth and teachers, then to separate Sunday School classrooms (learn more, below)

  • Sunday School

    9:15 AM Gathering time

    9:30-10:15 AM Classroom time

    Godly Play, age 3 through 2nd Grade. Godly Play is a Montessori-based approach to teaching Bible stories and the Christian tradition to young children. (Learn more)

    "Shine" Classroom, 3rd-4th grade. Our 3rd and 4th graders meet with a kind and trusted teacher. Together they explore Bible characters and stories using the "Shine" curriculum. Art projects are an integral part of their time together as well.

    Breakfast Club, 5th - 8th grade
    As our young people’s independence begins to grow, so do their wonderings. The Breakfast Club class strengthens relationships among students as they explore the relevancy of a life of faith. (Learn more)

  • Adult Faith Forum

    The Adult Forum meets in the Parlor from 9:15-10:15 AM on Sunday mornings September through May.

    Pastor Victoria, members of the congregation, and occasional guest speakers lead the Forum. All are welcome to take part in this time of intellectual and spiritual renewal. Christian education is a life-long journey and quest!

    The Forum at-a-glance March - May 2025

  • We Welcome Kids in Worship

    "Let the little children come to me." ~ Matthew 19:14

    Our congregation is committed to having children and youth in the sanctuary for the worship service, and we invite them to be worship leaders in various ways throughout the year.

    Children can observe, wonder, witness, absorb and are encouraged to participate in the liturgy of communion. (Learn more about our congregation’s support of kids in worship, here.)

    Activity bags are hanging near the table at the side entrance to the sanctuary if your children want to read, draw or do word puzzles, especially during the sermon.

    The Quiet Corner under the Rose Window is for kids in the Sanctuary who may want to spread out on the carpet during worship with their activity bags and other useful items.

    We have a child potty seat and changing table in the upstairs, all-gender accessible restroom.

  • stewardship story

    Each fall as part of the annual stewardship campaign, the Board of Stewardship invites a church member to tell some to their own stewardship story.

    Click here to read Wendy Berg’s beautiful story from October 2024.