“Life is for service.” ~Fred Rogers
taking action: Justice & mercy
St. Anthony Park UCC encourages and equips the congregation to put their faith into action through a range of service opportunities. As Christians, we are called to care for others (whom we may or may not meet) and to shine the Christ light in places that need it most.
Justice is about systemic change. Acts of justice are slow, hard to measure, ambiguous, and are never 'done'. Working for racial reckoning, economic justice, affordable housing, environmental stewardship and LGBTQ rights and freedoms are some examples of long-term justice endeavors.
Here are some examples of our justice-making work:
The following PDFs contain lists of anti-racism resources, with clickable links to many items. The lists are by no means complete, but are offered as a starting point for anti-racism education and action.
Black-Owned Businesses
Reading List for Adults
Reading List for Children and Youth
Podcasts, Documentaries and Films
Talking with Children
Racism and the Church
Specialized Resources"Where Do We Go From Here"
The Conference's webinar series to expand racial justice awareness launched June 30, 2020 with the Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister of the United Church of Christ, talking on "Where Do We Go From Here? Lessons from Ferguson & Beyond." Watch and listen to the amazing conversation here. -
Open & Affirming
We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ.
Our original Open and Affirming Statement was adopted by the congregation in 1998. Our updated ONA Statement was adopted by the congregation on January 29, 2023:
"We, the congregation of St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ, declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ.
“We welcome all persons into the life of this church as full partners in ministry: our worship, sacraments, work, and service.
“We lament the Christian Church’s long history of discrimination and its many abuses. The Church’s persecution of those who identify as LGBTQ+ often causes isolation, fear, harm, and even death.
“We embrace Jesus’ example to proclaim release to the captives, to set at liberty the oppressed (Luke 4:18), and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31).
(Read the entire ONA statement on our Values page.)
Interfaith Action
SAPUCC is proud to partner with Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul.
Interfaith Action's mission is "to harness the power of thousands of motivated volunteers from diverse faith and spiritual communities to relieve the effects of poverty and address its root causes."
SAPUCC is one of their "anchor congregations." In addition to annual financial support, we:
Collect back-to-school supplies for their annual "School Tools" donation drive for children and youth from low-income families
Support the Department of Indian Work food shelf with donations year-round
Pastor Victoria participates in Interfaith Action's Clergy-Civic Leader round-table breakfasts
Want to learn more about Interfaith Action's positive impact on people's lives? Click here to watch their "Bringing Faith to Life" program.
SAPUCC gives $5,000 to Bimosedaa
By Craig Freeman, member of SAPUCC since 2012
In December 2023, Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative (my employer) opened Bimosedaa (bee-moh-SAY-dah), 48 homes of deeply affordable, supportive housing in downtown Minneapolis.
Bimosedaa, an Ojibwe word meaning “Let Us Walk Together,” is a partnership with the Red Lake Nation and the organization Avivo, which provides onsite services in the building. A minimum of 33, and generally all 48 residents of Bimosedaa will be Native Americans.
The services Avivo provides at Bimosedaa are done in a culturally relevant manner and are based on a “housing first” model. This means even if someone has untreated mental health or ongoing chemical dependency issues, we first house individuals and then invite them to participate in intensive harm reduction services to work on the issues they face. Accordingly, most of the initial residents of Bimosedaa moved directly from encampments into the building.
Bimosedaa is located in a historic building at 4th Street and Hennepin. It was clear prior to construction there would be a lot of issues to deal with during the remodel. What wasn’t anticipated, however, was that the building’s façade was being held up purely by gravity. This, along with other issues, caused the cost of the project to balloon, and while Beacon’s public funders have been very generous is closing the cost gap, there is still a gap remaining. Some of that gap will be closed by a matching grant from the Otto Bremer Trust, and this is where SAPUCC comes into the picture.
The Otto Bremer Trust has pledged $100,000 if that amount is matched by other donors. Meanwhile, we at SAPUCC set aside $10,000 of pandemic era ERC funds to donate for Native reparations. Over the last couple months, the Acknowledgement to Action Ministry Team has been discussing where to direct these funds and determined that $5,000 should be donated to Beacon for Bimosedaa. This amount will then be matched by the Trust and double our impact to $10,000! This plan was presented to Council at the April 2024 meeting and unanimously approved.
I was recently at Bimosedaa speaking with residents, and I could not be happier we are using some of our money in this manner. The building is truly a source of hope for its residents and will be for decades to come.
Photo: SAPUCCers spent a week volunteering at Back Bay Mission, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 2017
Mercy is about direct charity. Acts of mercy are tangible, immediately impactful, time-limited, and gratifying. Below are some of the mercy activities of SAPUCC.
Bearing Mercy
Loaves and Fishes
SAPUCC has a decades-long ministry (going back to 1983!) of cooking and serving supper through the Loaves & Fishes program of the Dorothy Day Center in downtown St. Paul. Our signature meal of taco hotdish, fruit, bread and dessert has been served to thousands of guests who are homeless or food insecure.
RIP Medical Debt
In 2021 during the pandemic, we wanted to engage in a big-impact endeavor during a time of economic and racial inequities affecting our country.
So we partnered up with Falcon Heights UCC and launched a campaign to relieve the burden, shame and anxiety of people who have long-standing debt. Our collaboration brought in over $28,000, which we donated directly to RIP Medical Debt, an organization that purchases old, long-standing medical debt for pennies on the dollar.
The impact? Our combined contributions eliminated $2.8 MILLION DOLLARS of medical debt, for over 2,000 households in five states-- Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Georgia. Thanks be to God!
Women's Advocates
Women's Advocates is the oldest shelter in Minnesota for women and their children escaping domestic violence. Women’s Advocates provides shelter and services to an average of 50 women and children daily, conducts crisis interventions and safety referrals via the crisis line daily, and educates students and professionals about domestic abuse awareness, prevention and services. During the holiday season, SAPUCC collects gifts for the women and their children. We've also donated Target gift cards for the women to be able to purchase gifts for their children on their own.
Feed My Starving Children
Kids (age 5 and up) and adults get the chance to hand-pack nutritious meals specifically designed to assist in reversing and preventing malnutrition around the world. Volunteers measure, weigh and pack servings of rice, soy protein, dried vegetables, and vitamin-packed flavoring. It's a fun, high-energy, big-impact kind of hands-on service to others. FMSC has locations in Coon Rapids and Eagan.
Service-Mission Trips
Back Bay Mission, Biloxi, Mississippi (2017) - This mission site is a jewel of the UCC. SAPUCCers spent one week rehabbing a house; serving meals at a local shelter; staffing the Back Bay food shelf; and hosting people at the drop-in center where they are able to take a shower, do their laundry, search for jobs and socialize. We learned about local history and culture, including the devastation effects of Hurricane Katrina.
Habitat for Humanity, Duluth (2012) - A group of SAPUCC adults and youth assisted with home repairs after Duluth experienced significant flooding and landslides.
The Seafarers Center, Duluth (2018) - Our high school youth organized clothes, cleaned, delivered donations of hats, gloves, and toiletries, and they even mowed the lawn! The Seafarers Center offers free support to the crew members of the ships when they port there.
Settled (2022) - Our youth joined with St. Paul's UCC, Falcon Heights UCC, UCC New Brighton to help build a tiny home through a partnership with Settled. The group raised $35,000 for the work. Our youth have also spent time learning about homelessness and discerning what about their faith calls them to do this work.
Diaper Drive
Diapers are so expensive, especially for parents and caregivers struggling to meet their monthly bills. From time to time, SAPUCC collects children's diapers -- piles of them -- and donates them to the Diaper Bank of Minnesota, located on University Avenue in St. Paul. The Diaper Bank works with agencies throughout the Twin Cities to provide diapers to families in need.
Fifteen SAPUCCers spent one week in the Deep South — Alabama, Mississippi, and Memphis, TN —
seeing historic sights, meeting “foot soldiers” of the Civil rights movement, visiting numerous churches,
and confronting & dismantling our own racism and white supremacy