"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."
~Mary Oliver
Women's Retreat
The annual SAPUCC Women’s Retreat will take place at the Danish American Center (3030 West River Pkwy, Minneapolis), Friday-Saturday, February 21-22.
This annual event is a great time to connect intergenerationally. All members, friends, and guests who identify as female are invited to attend.
We will gather Friday early evening through Saturday late afternoon. This year’s theme is “Cultivating Connections.” -
game night - all ages
Let’s play together! Come in from the cold and enjoy an evening of card games, board games and more.
Candyland? Connect 4? Pictionary? Apples to Apples? Crazy 8s? The church has games we can use OR bring your own.
All ages are welcome for this time of intergenerational play.
Friday, February 28, 6:00 PM.
little kid yoga
Victoria Downey leads "Little Kid Yoga" here in the Fellowship Hall every other Monday, 10:00-10:45 AM. There will be stories, songs, movement, poses and togetherness!
For children ages 3 to 6 and their grown-ups. BYO yoga mat or borrow one of ours.
Little Kid Yoga is open to the community, free of charge. -
AGING parents - support group
If you are navigating the complex realities of an aging parent (or parent-in-law or step-parent), you are not alone.
Gather with other SAPUCCers to give and receive support, have honest conversations, and share resources.
The support group, facilitated by Pastor Victoria, will next meet on Saturday morning, March 15, 10:00-11:30 AM in the Parlor.
Exploring the Bible
“Exploring the Bible” takes place on the first Thursday of the month, 6:30-8:00 PM in the Parlor.
The dates this Winter/Spring are January 2, March 6 and April 3. (No meeting in February.)
Led by Ken Gowdy, it is a time to listen, learn, discuss and explore the Bible with others. Get curious and learn with others!
The circle is open to any and all. -
godly play
Our Godly Play classroom is for children in preschool thru 2nd grade.
The "Doorperson" greets each child and helps them get ready to enter the classroom.
The "Storyteller" tells the Bible story using the Godly Play curriculum, props, and the desert box, and then asks the children wondering questions. The class concludes with worktime and the feast.
Godly Play is a wonderful approach to faith formation thru storytelling.
Sundays, 9:15-10:15 AM, in the Godly Play classroom on the lower level.