"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."
~Mary Oliver
lenten series
The season of Lent invites us to (re)prioritize our spiritual lives.
6:00 PM - a soup and bread supper
6:30-8:00 PM - program
Each is its own stand-alone event, so come for one, some, or all.▪ Thursday, March 13. How To Know A Person — using prompts from David Brooks’ book by the same name, we will learn and practice how to deepen our relationships
▪ Thursday, March 20. First Nations Version — we’ll learn about this translation of the New Testament written by Native Americans/ Indigenous people and explore its language, metaphors and wisdom
▪ Tuesday, March 25. Knife by Salman Rushdie — we’ll have a conversation about this remarkable book. Please read Knife in advance.
▪ Tuesday, April 1. InterPlay — Let’s play, rest, move, use our voices. A time to playfully awaken our bodies and spirits! Led by Celia Swanson
Loaves & fishes
Here’s our next opportunity to cook and serve a meal to people who are homeless or food-insecure.
The Board of Mission & Witness seeks volunteers on Sunday, March 23:2:00-4:00 PM
5 people to do hot and cold food prep4:15-5:30 PM
6 people to serve438 Dorothy Day Place, downtown St. Paul
We welcome first-timers as well as others who have cooked and served in the past.
Immigration Lawyers to Speak
Sunday, March 30
4:00 PM
In-person only (not available on-line)
Free of charge
Refreshments afterwards~ What is the history of the Sanctuary Movement?
~ What’s the difference between a judiciary warrant and an administrative warrant?
~ What happens if ICE comes to a place of worship? Who can enter the building?
~ What legal changes and challenges are happening right now?
~ What role can churches play in the current political climate?
~ With time for Q & AIn this timely presentation, attorney John Medeiros will provide an overview on the legal risks of offering sanctuary services and will discuss steps congregations can take to prepare for ICE (U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement) site visits.
John Medeiros serves as Chair of the Corporate Immigration Practice of the law firm, Nilan Johnson Lewis, based in Minneapolis. He will be joined by Allison Lange Garrison, who is a litigator with Nilan Johnson Lewis.
This event is sponsored by the St. Anthony Park Faith Communities group.
blessing of the animals
Let’s bless the animals in our lives!
Bring your dog, cat, hamster, iguana or whatever to the front lawn of the church on Saturday, April 12, 11:00 AM - Noon for the Blessing of the Animals.
Each animal and their person will receive a blessing. It’ll be fun to meet each other’s animals, too! -
little kid yoga
Victoria Downey leads "Little Kid Yoga" here in the Fellowship Hall every other Monday, 10:00-10:45 AM. There will be stories, songs, movement, poses and togetherness!
For children ages 3 to 6 and their grown-ups. BYO yoga mat or borrow one of ours.
Little Kid Yoga is open to the community, free of charge. -
AGING parents - support group
If you are navigating the complex realities of an aging parent (or parent-in-law or step-parent), you are not alone.
Gather with other SAPUCCers to give and receive support, have honest conversations, and share resources.
The support group, facilitated by Pastor Victoria, will next meet on Saturday morning, March 15, 10:00-11:30 AM in the Parlor.
godly play
Our Godly Play classroom is for children in preschool thru 2nd grade.
The "Doorperson" greets each child and helps them get ready to enter the classroom.
The "Storyteller" tells the Bible story using the Godly Play curriculum, props, and the desert box, and then asks the children wondering questions. The class concludes with worktime and the feast.
Godly Play is a wonderful approach to faith formation thru storytelling.
Sundays, 9:15-10:15 AM, in the Godly Play classroom on the lower level.